Peter Jacques

Peter Jacques worked at the TUC for 25 years, most of that time as head of the social insurance and industrial welfare department. He helped bring forth benefits that can still be felt in the world of work and wider social policy.

The years of the Wilson-Callaghan Labour government (1974-79) were ones when his impact was greatest. Peter’s department was closely involved in the creation of earnings-related pensions and the growth of workplace pensions.

It was in the area of health and safety that he had the most significant and long-lasting impact. Peter was a member of the Robens committee whose 1972 report led to the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act and the establishment of the Health and Safety Commission, of which he was a founder member.

Millions of people owe their lives and health to the systems that Peter worked to create and sustain, expanding the policy agenda beyond accidents to safeguard all aspects of health in the workplace and involving workers through unions in setting safety standards.

Source: Peter Jacques obituary, The Guardian